The advertisement in question (pictured above) is for HMV and appeared in the July, 2010 issue of MOJO magazine. There were a number of aspects of the ad that attracted me to it originally, yet another, more subtle factor made itself apparent during my in-class presentation of the piece - it taps into that intellectual, artistic snobbery that is the defining characteristic of any good music lover.
Now before I offend any raging Captain Beefheart fans I want to confess that I myself often fall into the category of the pompous music listener. And this ad compliments that. The Dylan Thomas quote in particular gives the ad a level of sophistication (real or otherwise) that many may not associate with the relatively "big box" image of HMV. A bit of high brow literature for those music fans who may have a bit of a high opinion of their musical taste (or themselves). Ah, nothing like exploiting the artistic ego...
Kind of cool seeing a store I've always thought of as a "virgin" music store (no pun intended) brand themselves with some high brow music. Good stuff.